High added value training for the success of your changes
Our strength: tailor-made programmes adapted to your environment, prepared in advance in consultation with you so that you can easily adapt to any situation that requires readjustment. Participants develop their skills and quickly appropriate operational methods and tools.
Avéliance has been registered in France as a training organization since 2005 (this registration does not constitute State approval) and Qualiopi certified since 07.19.2023 for the training actions category (certificate below). It only carries out training activities for the benefit of employees of co-contracting companies, excluding any services for individuals. Avéliance listens to people with disabilities.
Some figures: since 2005, Avéliance has trained 2,768 people for 48,646 hours of trainee training and 4,792 hours of training provided.
In 2022, the satisfaction rate of participants in our training courses is 88% qualified as “very good or excellent”

Management & Leadership
For a change in both the attitudes and behaviours of managers and in their working methods that are more motivating and empowering. To better identify the managerial levers for action and to get people to act.
Trainings carried out at : Epsilon Madagascar, Newpack Madagascar, Banque Française Commerciale Océan Indien (Réunion & Mayotte), Central Bank in West Africa, Facto Madagascar, World Knits Madagascar, Axelle, Cadence, Bionexx, Togo Télécom, Compagnie d’Énergie Électrique du Togo, …
We work in factories of more than 2500 people and train the entire management chain.
Commercial & Négociation
Mastering one’s environment to better respond to the needs of one’s clients; developing one’s relational efficiency and adapting one’s behaviour to the interlocutors and to the situations: Newpack Madagascar, OMOA in West and Central Africa, Telecom in Togo …and in international seminars with companies in Africa in the energy and mining sectors etc…

Human resources
Training plan within the framework of the G.P.E.C. or Training of trainers or Conducting a good recruitment policy, as many themes deployed internally: Electricity company in Africa, Call centre in Mauritius, Telecom in Togo, Communication agency in Reunion Island…
HR strategy, HR master plan and performance indicators: to implement the HR strategy for performance development: carried out in 2 industries in Madagascar
How to promote and contribute to social dialogue: reconciling conflicting interests and finding areas of convergence between the different social actors. Some of our clients in West and Central Africa have appreciated this programme: Caisse Nationale Prévoyance Sociale, Electricity Company, La Poste, Bank, Société Nationale des Eaux.
An action-oriented teaching method: Priority is given to concrete exercises from the participants’ professional environment and role-playing, followed by personalised feedback.
Personalized follow-up and an evaluation system put in place : At the end of each session, practical exercises and recommendations are sent to the participants for them to practice during the intersessions. At the opening of the next session, a round table ensures consistency between the program, learning and operational use of the tools and remains attentive to their needs.
At the end of each training action, a round table is made, also the skills of the participants are evaluated according to a reference system transmitted at the start in the training agreement.
We implement an evaluation system for all our training actions by all the actors (participants, trainers, companies, funders if this is the case). We ensure a systematic restitution of each of our training courses to our customers.
Our rates depend on the areas of intervention so that the skills remain accessible to all: metropolitan France, overseas departments, Africa and the Indian Ocean. For rates and our training programs, please contact us contact.
Receive on request our general terms and conditions of sale.